Planning A Destination Wedding

When it comes to organizing a wedding, many decisions must be addressed. One of the most important is determining the venue. If a destination wedding is your choice, there are several things to take into consideration when planning a destination wedding.

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Cost should be addressed first, as it can vary depending on the destination and the number of guests you expect to have. The price of a wedding is something people usually talk about last when it should be discussed first. Depending on where you have your wedding and the number of guests, the price of a destination wedding can go up and down. For example, let’s say you are planning a smaller wedding on a Caribbean island at an all-inclusive resort. It may be more cost-effective than a big wedding in a local city. It all depends on what, and who you want to celebrate with on your special day! Also, consider the cost for your guests which will include their stay and travel.


The location will set the tone, and help you decide what to wear and what to eat. Incorporating local culture can be a great way to honor the occasion. It is also important to consider the ease of travel for both yourself and your guests. Whether it’s a tropical wedding in the Caribbean, a fairytale wedding in a castle, or a romantic wedding in your hometown, location is everything!


When choosing a destination, you need to consider how easy it will be for you and your guests to travel. Is there a direct flight from most major cities? Do major airlines fly there? Once you’re there, how will everyone get around? A travel advisor can help sort all of this out, but it is important to keep it in mind when selecting a destination.

Number of Guests

The number of attendees should also be considered, in terms of both your costs and those of the guests. Considering the number of people you want to have at your wedding is essential for multiple reasons. Not only do you need to consider the costs you’ll be paying for them to attend, but the costs they will have to pay to travel there. Additionally, you want to make sure that your venue can accommodate all of your loved ones.

Your Honeymoon

One of the perks of having a destination wedding is being able to go on your honeymoon immediately. If your ideal wedding and honeymoon both involve a tropical island, then it is probably worth planning a destination wedding. This can also allow you more time to spend with your guests before the wedding. However, some guests may choose to extend their stay, so you might consider moving to a different resort for your honeymoon.

To start planning your destination wedding, or if you have questions about planning a destination wedding, schedule a free consultation