What does your travel personality say about you?

We all have our own unique personality, and that personality guides us in our choices throughout life. Travel is no different. We all have a travel personality whether we realize it or not and certain destinations are better suited to that personality.

adventurous travel personality

Are you the adventurous type? Do you picture yourself bungee jumping? Boating down an exotic river? Recommended destinations for your adventurous soul are New Zealand, Brazil, India, and Tanzania.

romantic travel personality

If the perfect sunset is what you seek on a secluded beach, you are a romantic traveler. Recommended destinations for the lover in you are Santorini, Venice, Paris, Bali, Fiji and Tahiti.

intellectual travel personality

Do your travel dreams include days visiting museums, historical sites, and soaking up the local culture? Then you might be an intellectual traveler. The best destinations to expand your knowledge are Europe, Japan, and Machu Picchu.

If you will be traveling for the first time out of the country, there are a few destinations that are easier to navigate, and will not seem so overwhelming.

Find Your Travel Personality and Start Planning Your Great Getaway